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Posted by michelleDORE 
Re: Poorly Hamster
August 14, 2008 07:32AM
I assume that you have seperated your two hamsters? They must not be kept in the same cage, even if one of them has access to a box where he can hide.

Re: Poorly Hamster
August 22, 2008 07:46PM

I bought a female Syrian Hamster a week ago,and she was fine when i bought her running around in the wheel and everything and now for the last three days she will not come out of her house not even for a treat, her eyes look slightly closed and i have had to take the water bottle over to her as i have noticed that she is not drinking any. Also she has not touched her food. Has anyone any advice as i am worried about her as she was so active up to three days ago. She looks completely normal apart from her eyes and squeaks when i try to lift the lid of her house.
Re: Poorly Hamster
August 23, 2008 08:17AM

I suggest that you take her back to where you bought her, right away, and complain.

Re: Poorly Hamster
August 27, 2008 11:32PM

I have a short haired female syrian hamster. She's is about a year old give or take a few weeks. I noticed a few weeks back that her anus has gone black. I tried to clean it with some tissue but it didn't remove anything so I believe its her skin thats gone black rather than a scab. She isn't constipated, she's still lively and still eating normally so my boyfriend said I shouldn't worry and that it might just be a sign of her getting older. However now I've noticed that there is some foul smelling puss coming from it, its a whiteish colour. Should I be worried? Her behaviour still hasn't changed.

Any advice would be very much appreciated, thank you!

Re: Poorly Hamster
August 28, 2008 09:14AM

If the texture of the skin is normal, I would not worry about the change in colouration.
The discharge may be more serious, but if she is otherwise well and eating, just wait and see what develops, if anything

Re: Poorly Hamster
August 28, 2008 09:44AM
Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll keep an eye on her.

Thanks again

lesley ward
hampster swollen stomach,
September 02, 2008 01:16PM
my hampster has a swollen stomach looks large now with small head
not in pain. slite diarreaha
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 03, 2008 03:33PM

I got my 6 week old hamster in April this year..and until last week he was doing fine. But the last few days he hasnt been eating any of his food at all. Whenever I call out to him..he does look up at me..climb to the upper deck of his cage...stand up..etc. He drinks the water that is kept for him in the bottle...but is not picking at his food at all. However he is still active..intermittently. Most of the time he only sleeps all day and the most for an hour or so..he will play on his wheel.

A physical exam does not reveal anything wrong with him. He is still bright eyed and bushy as before...!! He spends most of his day either sleeping or grooming away himself. Occasionally he will also scratch away at himself..!! But thats all he does for any sort of activity.

Do u think this is serious?? Shud I take him to the vet?? Wat cud be wrong??!!
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 03, 2008 05:59PM
hi ,
my hamster is on emergency ! please help me !!!
this morning, I found out that his eyes couldn't open and he breath so hardly.immediately, i separated him with the others and cleaned up the cage. but at that time, he still ran around.
after I came back , 1 of his eyes opened, but he looked so tired and lie dormant ! he didn't eat anything ,so I feed him a little bit milk.
but till now, he still lie there with 1 eyes closed, tired and breath hardly !
plzzz !!! any advice would be gratefully received !
Re: hampster swollen stomach,
September 05, 2008 07:07AM
Hi, Lesley Ward,

You do not say how old your hamster is, but I suspect that he is probably 2 years or more, and is coming towards the end. He may have a tumour in his abdomen, or kidney failure, both of which are untreatable.

Re: Poorly Hamster
September 05, 2008 07:12AM
Hi, Aarthi,

Difficult to say what may be wrong - he may have a tooth problem which is making it difficult for him to eat - best to get him checked by a vet.

Re: Poorly Hamster
September 05, 2008 07:14AM
Hi, Leb,

You do not say how old your hamster is, and if he is about 2 yaers this just could be the end.
However, you do say that you separated him from the others - hamsters are solitary animals and do not do well when kept in groups.

Re: Poorly Hamster
September 06, 2008 08:21PM
i have a 1 and a half year old female Syrian hamster and she seems to be ill and i just wondered if anyone could advise me what is wrong or what to do?
in the last week or so she has been sleeping alot, a look skinner, today i got her out and her tail looks longer and seems bent where it leaves the body, she is walking with her back legs apart, and is very skinny. she is usually very active during in the night and when ever she is out and she now just seems to be sleeping.
i dont think she has wet tail as she doesn't have a 'wet tail' and i cant see any diarhea and her poo is solid.
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 07, 2008 08:10AM
Hi, Sasha,

Except in things like wet-tail or an obvious tumour, specific diagnosis of illnesses in hamsters is very difficult.
You say whe is 18 months old - was she full grown when you got her, if so she may be more than 18 months, and old age is catching up with her. 2 years is a venerable age for a hamster.
the bes treatment for any sick hamster is heat - get the temperature in her cage up to about 80F but make sure she is drinking.
I hope she improves and I am sorry that I cannot be more helpful.

Re: Poorly Hamster
September 07, 2008 09:53AM
thanks for the reply,
i got her from a petshop when she was only small, she has grown alot from when i first got her,
im going to take her to the vets for a check,
i think she may of broke her tail so im going to take her to looked at.
she is more active today and drinking more so i guess thats a good sign
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 07, 2008 08:36PM
sorry for posting again,
i was just wondering do you know how much a check up will be for my hamster?
its a place called 4legs?
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 08, 2008 07:48AM
Hi, Sasha,

I am sorry, but I am unable to answer your question. Telephone the vet to make an appointment for your hamster to be seen, and at the same time ask what the fee will be.

Re: Poorly Hamster
September 08, 2008 12:10PM
Hi there

My hamster is just over 2 years old. In the past few days she has stopped eating and she sleeps almost all the time. When she is awake I've noticed she has developed a kind of wobble. She shakes all the time and her breathing is very rapid. Her lips and nose lips pale also.
I am aware she may just be a very old lady in hamster terms but i really don't like to think that she's suffering. Would it be worth it to take her to a vet, does it sound like something they could treat?

thanks in advance
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 08, 2008 07:36PM
Hi, Laine,

Your hamster is dying - she is a very old lady in hamster terms.
I do not think she is suffering, and the trauma of taking her to a vet, who will be unable to do anything to help, could distress her further/
Let nature take its course.

Michelle B
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 10, 2008 02:06PM

I was wondering if you could help. My dwarf hasmter has recently had an operation to remove an everted cheek pouch. He has a stitch in his mouth and a swollen face but the good news is he survived the operation and is now home with me. I have noticed however that since he has been home he is not himself, usually he would love to come out of his cage and play but now whenever I go near the cage, he runs back into bed. He is eating and drinking fine, but he just seems very scared and timid. Is this behaviour just a side effect of the operation?

Thanks Michelle
Re: Poorly Hamster
September 10, 2008 03:48PM

Your hamster has been through a very stressful experience - and, best of all, survived it!
He will need a great deal of patince and TLC (Tender Loving Care0 to give him his confidence in humans back, and it will take time.

Re: Poorly Hamster
September 26, 2008 06:24PM
Hi, my hamster has a really big bum, and all my friends say it isnt right, is it usual for male hamsters to have such big back ends?
thanks, Kitty.
Re: Poorly Hamster
October 01, 2008 12:10PM
sam p
Re: Poorly Hamster
July 07, 2009 11:45AM
hi my daughters hamster is just over a year old and for the last couple of days hes become lathargic, cant move about, and can hardly open his mouth, he makes clicking sounds trying to open it, his teeth have gone a yellowy colour, when he tries to lift his head he really strugggles and is shaky! we have tried giving him water and ive been trying to give him some shredded carrot and lettuce this morning but he seems too weak to accept it. apart from taking him to the vet what else can we do to help him? any advice please?
Re: Poorly Hamster
July 07, 2009 11:54AM

How sure are you about his age? Was he clearly a baby when you got him, or did you accept the seller's word for it?
I cannot offer any suggestions for treatment, and I fear that he may be dying.

sam p
Re: Poorly Hamster
July 07, 2009 01:35PM
hiya, thankyou but tibby passed away about half hour ago now!
He could be older than what we thought but not sure as we bought him from a well known pet store and they didnt say how old they were, i just took it from when we had him roughly how old.
Re: Poorly Hamster
July 16, 2009 08:21AM
Hi i am 10 years old, i have a Russian dwarf hamster and my brother has a syrian hamster both male and seperate cages. My hamster is fine but my but my brothers hamster keeps sneezing now and again and this white gunk stuff comes out his reerend.
But when it comes my brothers hamster licks it off.
im just asking incase it could get to something serious becouse im worried.
Both of the hamsters get treated the same and my sister also has a teddybear hamster male in his own cage and he is fine.
so please if you can please help me or give me some info on what i should do.
Re: Poorly Hamster
July 16, 2009 08:37AM
Hi, Honour,

As long as the hamsters are all kept in seperate cages, I do not think that you have anything to worry about.

Re: Poorly Hamster
July 29, 2009 03:14PM
my hamster is acting very strange as she is asleep all the time and she is very flopy and skinny and when she walks shes wobbling everywere ive had her just over 2 months and im very worried about her thankyou
Re: Poorly Hamster
July 29, 2009 03:28PM

I am sorry, but I cannot make a diagnosis, but she sounds to me like she is very sick and is not going to survive


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