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cats broken tail?

Posted by Jools 
Re: cats broken tail?
September 16, 2013 11:07PM
Hi there,

We went on holiday for about a week, but a few days before our cat Sid appeared to have had bit of a scrap or at least had what looked to be a scratch at the base of his tail on the top. We thought not much of it - he was licking it a bit, but seemed OK and the tail had strength. We went away for a week and my father fed the cat whilst we were gone. When we returned, the cat's tail was limp - though he was showing no obvious signs of pain. We took him to the vet straight away having read on other forums this was the best precaution, and he's had an injection and is on a course of anti-biotics. His tail hasn't sprung back into life yet (the vet said she was 95% certain he'd be back to normal in 5 days - it's been 3 now), and I'm wondering how long to give it before going back to the vets.

His tail is usually pretty alert, but it's odd how it's now completely limp. The vet couldn't detect any damage and he responded to a pinch on the tail, suggesting nerves are intact.

An infection which will go away and power return?

Any experiences welcome, as we're a little concerned what this will mean if he loses his tail completely. We're keeping him in whilst he's having his meds, but he does go outdoors (during the day anyway).

KInd regards,

Re: cats injury tail?
September 23, 2013 04:52PM
Hi Jenny

The most likely problem is a cat bite from another cat. Its very common for these to become infected and develop an abscess several days later, even when you thought it was healing. You are doing the right thing to keep checking it and monitoring his eating and drinking. You might be lucky and its healing but if he starts to show more discomfort or the tail lump swells, you should take him to a vet.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: cats broken tail?
September 23, 2013 05:13PM
Hi Paulo

A cat's tail can appear paralysed but actually not move due to the cat choosing to not move it much because actually it is very painful.. If that is the case for your cat he should be feeling much better by now and starting to move it more. You should go back to your vet if this is not happening. If there is a degree of nerve damage but no other serious injury, healing will happen but will take longer. As long as tail sensation is present the movement function should gradually return. I hope this is the case for Sid.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: cats broken tail?
July 26, 2015 05:01PM
I live in a country where there are no veternarians and my cats tail is dead. part of it fell off, but there is still a significant portion that remains and is dead with a open sore near the top. any suggestions?
Cat guru
Re: cats broken tail?
September 03, 2015 04:44AM
I have a kitty who was hit by a car 3 months ago. At first he couldn't walk due to a broken pelvis and he also has a broken tail at the base. 1 month ago he started to pee in his litter box. I saw him actually go inside it and pee. Prior this he would just leak a puddle onto the ground. Does him now using the litter box with control peeing mean he is improving? He still has dribbles at times onto the floor. Do I need to express his bladder if he is peeing on his own in the litter box? I'm worried if I do then I could potentially hinder his recovery progress? I'm not sure if expressing is required if a cat is able to even leak or pee on its own? I was told that he is likely leaking because his bladder is too full and he is not peeing it all out at one time so I should express it... But he was peeing puddles uncontrollably before. There never was an issue where nothing wouldn't come out on its own. He poops also in his litter box. No movement in tail, it will be amputated so he doesn't pee on it. Please help with your thoughts. Thank you. smiling smiley
Re: cats broken tail?
September 08, 2015 11:33PM
If you love your cat so much, why would you let it outside? Leg amputated, broken tail, not the smartest on the block?
It's you that's not the smartest. If you have kids and I hope you don't, do you tell them to play in traffic as well?
We rescue and people like you should not be allowed to own living things. Try stuffed animals but remember not to leave them out in the rain.
Re: cats broken tail?
October 26, 2015 09:59PM

My 6 month old kitten shadow has got a limp tail, he can move the bottom 2 inches but it hangs limp afterwards. He doesn't have any swelling or lumps and doesn't walk funny. He plays as normal and he purrs when he's being stroked. It happened earlier today, he's been fed since and isn't off his food at all as he usually eats half his brothers food too and did the same this evening. I'm concerned about him and unsure what to do.

Nikki Rookard
Re: cats broken tail?
December 15, 2015 11:50AM
My cat got out yesterday morning when he came home I let him in and he just slept all day really didn't move when I went to check on him later in the day I noticed he has a cut above his eye and on his mouth I also noticed he couldn't raise his tail when he walked only a small portion can he control which leads me to belive it's broken he slept all through the night and are and drank this morningshould I take him to the vet or wait to see if he heals on his own


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