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dog removed what may have been a tick???

Posted by leisha 
dog removed what may have been a tick???
September 19, 2011 12:03PM
our friends dog has been unwell for four days now. we are unsure as we hadn't seen her until today but they believed that since our dog had mated with theirs a week before that she was having an abortion. although when we went to see her she was bleeding from her thigh, at least 5cm from the centre of her backside. when they pushed on the area maybe a tablespoon or two of blood came out. in saying that, when we arrived he had put tape over the wound and i worry it may have been keeping in blood that was waiting to be released. he says she pulled out what looked like a sack, about the size of a bottle top after much irritation and biting at it. then she ate it. she just started eating again today after 3 days and she is drinking fluids. she looks very sad, but she is getting up to go to the toilet, though not much else.
he takes his dog out to the bush often. my theory is maybe she's had a tick that he hasn't noticed due to thinking the blood is an abortion and she's eventually pulled it out. they are a very poor family and can't afford a vet bill. i'm hoping someone can tell me if my theory sounds like it has any substance, and if so, will she be ok or does further action need to be taken? at the moment he's been rinsing the wound with saline.
Re: dog removed what may have been a tick???
September 26, 2011 07:54AM
I doubt this was a tick but whatever it was you now have an open wound which you should bathe 3-4 times a day with saline and keep clean until it heals


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