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Re: Any advice
September 02, 2011 12:28PM
I wondered if anyone can help, I have a 3 year old Yorkie who has been suffering intermittent abdominal pain, it started at the beginning of this year, the only way I can describe it is it's like someone has jabbed him in the bum with a needle! he is very subdued afterwards with intermittent pain as I've described, it can last from an hour to a couple of hours to over 24 hours. I had him at the vets, they scanned him and found he had a enlarge prostate (although Neutered) so He went back a couple of days later to have a prostate wash / flush which came back 80 % positive for cancer cells, was referred to a specialist who found no abnormalities with his prostate, she done x-rays, scans etc the only thing she didn't do was a biopsy. He has had no other symptoms except intermittent abdo pain.
(He is on Prednisolone due to environmental allergies, he has been on these for a couple of years.)
He suffered with another bad bout of abdo pain intermittent, subdued over a 24 hour period, vet suggested increasing his Preds to 1 tablet a day for 3 days, in which time he improved (once again).
He has now had a bad bout off and on for the past week in which time the vet done another scan and asked me to take a Urine sample in, vet contacted me due to the fact that the Urine contained a high amount of Protein and blood which wasn't visible to the naked eye, so I then had to take him in for a blood test the results fine, kidneys OK etc. They then decided to do a Ultrasound which showed up sediment in his bladder, so I then had to take him back to have another test where a tube is inserted into his willy with a dye. The results that came back from this were clear, no problems, they think it was a bowel loop showing up on the ultrasound which they thought was sediment.
So basically they've now told me that they can find no reason or cause of the intermittent abdo pain that comes on suddenly, and they can find no reason or cause as to why the two Urine samples they have tested are showing high protein and blood.
They've told me to wean him off the Preds to see how he is coming off them and keep him drug free for a week once off the preds. Their going to try him on something else similar after the drug free week for his allergies.
The food I feed him is Hills ZD ultra allergen and nothing else. Basically I'm at a loss what to do, I hate not being able to do anything when he is unwell with these bouts but I thought at least I can take to the Vet, but now I feel I'm going to have to do all I can to find out whats going on with him myself as the Vet hasn't a clue, in their words 'their at a loss'
The only symptoms he shows is , one minute he is okay, the next he suddenly draws his bum in (as if someone stuck a needle in his bum) he runs and looks worried, he's then subdued and looks in discomfort and can't settle, he will remain like that till either he experiences the pain again or when whatever has caused that pain has worn off. And now high protein and blood in his urine.
There is no vomiting, he's toilet (both) are fine when going.
I did read on the Internet about 'Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome' can dogs suffer with this?
I would be very grateful for any advice, or if anyone has had the same with their dog.
Thank you
Re: Any advice
September 05, 2011 08:34AM
Because your dog seems to have these intermittent problems that your vet is not getting to the bottom of you may wish to see a specialist in dog medicine. Blood in the urine suggests a problem with the urinary tract so a thorough ultrasound of this area may be useful. Did the other specialist already look at this and were crystals or bacteria identified and was a culture of urine sent off? Alternatively the blood in the urine may be a red herring and the pain could be gut/pancreas associated so looking at these things would be useful as well.
Re: Any advice
September 05, 2011 01:10PM
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your input. I did actually wonder whether to ask for another Prostate wash / Flush, due to fact that it had a scan done at the beginning of the year and it showed an enlarged Prostate, then when I took him back for the Wash / flush it came back 80% positive (although neutered) but when he saw a specialist, he got the all clear via a scan and 2 X-rays.
I've been researching online to try and find out, but every time I search around it always seem to come back to Prostate disease with the symptoms, abdo pain and now blood in the urine (microscopic).
I just thought that the first scan with the prostate wash coming back with those results was a fluke and by having another wash / flush it should come back negative if there is no problem.
Anyway, thanks again for your help.
Fidget (Tina)
Re: Any advice
September 15, 2011 08:53AM
A fine needle aspirate of the prostate taken under ultrasound guidance gives better samples of the the prostate than a wash, but a wash is ok. Who did the prostate scan as the specialist seems to think it was normal? Maybe the original scan was normal but misinterpreted? Who told you that there was 80% likely there was prostate cancer? Make sure you get the sample looked at by a decent pathologist as the distinction in my opinion is usually easy, although I had one case 10 years ago where the sample looked cancerous under the microscope but did not seem to behave as such. In my experience dogs with prostate cancer are in terrible uncontrollable pain so if this is not the case then I think it unlikely. I still suspect the pain problem will be stones in the urinary tract or gut related. You would be best seeing a specialist I think

Sorry for the delay in replying but I have been on holiday.

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