VetClick Discussion Forum


Injured fox

Posted by megevebear 
Injured fox
May 09, 2014 11:16AM
I have been feeding and looking after a fox at the back of my garden for last three years since his mother got run over, they came to me as I feed ferral cats and they were stealing their food.

for last three weeks he has been holding up his back right leg, I have given him a small dose of carpodol as thought it might be a sprain but last night he was still holding it up.

Do yo have any ideas of what I should try and do to help him, I have doubled his food in case he has been having trouble getting his own and he can still run around the field

Many thanks
Re: Injured fox
May 09, 2014 11:49AM
If it is holding the leg up rather than it hanging limply, the chances are it isn't broken. Foxes often sustain injuries which will heal by themselves and I think, as long as there is no swelling or obvious injury/bleeding, I would advise carrying on as you are, monitoring how it is using the leg and supplying supplementary food. If it did need treatment it would mean trapping the fox in a cage trap which is obviously stressful to the fox so we wouldn't advise that unless absolutely necessary. Also, if it is a female with cubs, then we wouldn't want her removed at this time of year especially as she still seems to be coping well.

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