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Will this baby squirrel survive?! Help :O

Posted by Lyndsay 
Will this baby squirrel survive?! Help :O
October 11, 2011 12:51AM
Just before nightfall, a baby squirrel ran up to my husband and I while we were outside, it seemed very confused and scared. My hubby stomped toward it in case it had rabies but it came back toward us anyway. I went inside to call wildlife rescue and when I came back it was trying to climb a palm tree, but kept falling off after getting about 2 feet up. The poor thing seems so terrified...

Wildlife rescue said squirrels can't get rabies, and that the only thing to fear is injury from being bitten... but now it's dark and I can't find the poor thing, the guy said squirrels usually hunker down at night and stay hidden.

My question is will a baby squirrel - not an infant, it has a bushy tail already but it seems like it's not big enough to be on its own as it can't successfully climb a tree - hide for the night? I'm hoping it's instinct will make it try to stay hidden, but I'm concerned that since it can't climb it won't be safe. Is there anything more I can do? I'm going to get up at dawn and look in the bush it was in, but I'm afraid a predator might get him... what defense does a baby have alone at night? Will it burrow?

Also, I live in Florida, and the guy said the coyote population is kind of dense around my neighborhood, I'm so scared he will get eaten!

Any and all help is much appreciated!!!


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