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got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?

Posted by bob whillis 
bob whillis
got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 08, 2005 09:38PM
My staffy is 2 years old and so friendly and the one i'am getting is only a 1 year old. Both have played together once for 45 mins and got on very well. Would it be ok to have both living together as they are dogs and my dog has not been done.please advise!
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 09, 2005 08:07AM
Hi, Bob,
There is no means of telling whether they will get on or not.
It is very important, if you do get the second one, that if any squabbles arise, you reinforce the status of the 'top dog' - in no circumstanaces must you do the 'human' thing and defend the underdog. That would result in permanent grief!
bob whillis
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 09, 2005 02:55PM
Thank you for the reply Walter, could you also advise if it would be better to give the younger dog the snip as it is from a rescue home with no paper work and will not be used for studing, it might help? please advise.

cheers bob.
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 10, 2005 07:31AM
Hi, Bob,
I reckon that getting the young dog castrated ( considserably more than 'the snip'!) would improve the chances of their getting on togther by 50 to 70%, especially if the older dog has ben done.
It does not always work in reducing a male dog's aggression, but does so in most cases.
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 10, 2005 05:57PM

cheers walter,

Do you think that a tred mill would be ok in the back garden for when my misses is at work just so it's there if he feels the need for more exercise as he does get taken out 3 x daily ? and can you give me a e mail sight were you can buy these anti-bordom devices, He's just eat the new garden furiture. Thanks bob
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 11, 2005 07:50AM
Hi, Bob,
I am not sure about a treadmill!
A young dog like this does need a great deal of exercise certainly, and plenty of running about off the lead is essential.
A 'high wire' strung between two posts in the garden, with his chain attached to it can give plenty of scope for exercise, but still keeps him under control.
bob whillis
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 11, 2005 01:42PM
cheers walter for all your help and i'll keep this great site in mind if i have any problems. bob
sue mccann
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 14, 2005 11:17PM
i have 4 staffies, munch is top dog and keeps jumping on riza, the only other uncastrated male, riza has learned to submit by rolling on his back. munch never attacks the other girl staffie or the oldest boy who is castrated. i have had 2 boys before who got on great. the trouble usually starts when the dogs reach around 30 months. i feel really sorry for riza sometimes. i rescued him from a cruel owner. riza and munch are both 5 now, munch being the much bigger dog. riza use to try and fight him, but 4 the last year has learned to submit saving himself a lot of injuries. i still may have riza castrated but we have used him 4 stud quite a lot as he is the sweetest looking dog and is very popular. looking back i wish i had him castrated when he was 6 months old because munch loves him 2 bits when they are playing in the fields, but attacks now and again, without injuries now as riza has excepted being bottom dog. never leave 2 male staffs in one room while your out!! put them in seperate rooms, i also have 2 muzzle munch in the back of the car because he will never let riza share the same bed or confined space, top dogs rule. always feed top dog first, they have 2 learn the pecking order. good luck
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 15, 2005 07:21AM
Hi, Sue,
Yes, you are quite right, you must always re-inforce the position of the 'top dog', otherwise you will be heading for real trouble.
By rolling over onto his back and exposing his vulnerable underparts, Riza is demonstrating his total submission to Munch. So long as he does that, he is no real danger.
I am not sure that castrating the one and not the other will resolve your problem.
bob whillis
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 15, 2005 09:36AM

Hi sue,

Thanks for your inside knowledge, i now feel that it would be sound to have them both living under one roof and i'll make sure that the top dog comes first. Another Question for Walter as i'am here again is my dog hurt his leg the other day with the garden table blowing over and hitting him in the leg. After a visit to the vet's he was ok but received pills to take down the swelling and an injection at a cost of £36. Q " Can human pain killer tablets / anti inflam be used on dogs or is it a No No? and dont just say No because you are a vet and are looking after your own interrests!
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 15, 2005 11:23AM
Hi, Sue,
The occasional paracetamol, or soluble aspirin can safely be given to dogs - not to cats- as can ibuprofen.
When it first happened lots of cold water or ice packs would brought down the swelling too.
bob whillis
Mainge (hair loss)
June 15, 2005 12:09PM
cheers walter,

Question - My staffie had mainge when he was a puppy and lost a lot of his coat. It was eventually treated due to some bad owners before we got him but there is still some bald patches around the back of the neck area. Is there some treatment to give him to get the hair back or is he scared for life?
Re: got 1 staffy getting another is this wise or is death imminent?
June 15, 2005 03:44PM
Hi, Bob,
You have to have a definite diagnosis here - only your vet or a veterinary dermatologist can examine a skin scraping to look for mange mites.
If it is positive for sarcoptes mites, it should be possible to clear it quite easily. If it were positive for demodex mites, that could be more problematical, but even that should respond to treatment.
If the patches are itchy, it is probably the former. If not, it may be the latter, or may be some totally unrelated problem.
Anyway, it does require a proper diagnosis before your question can be answered.

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