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NEw dog vaccines

Posted by Amanda 
NEw dog vaccines
April 24, 2005 01:16AM
Okay, call me an idiot... I have never owned a dog before, but have recently rescued a Chihuahua (I suspect a mix) that is approximately two years old. I have no clue as to her previous vaccines, if there were any. I also have no clues about her previous home life, except that she has apparently been physically abused. She has been with me long enough to get spayed, a rabies shot, and put on a little needed weight. I have done some reading on vaccines, but every book I have only addresses initial vaccines for rabies. There is a current outbreak of Parvo in my area, and I am a little nervous. Without knowing what she has been vaccinated for in the past, what do I need to have her vaccinated for now, and what kind of boosters do I need her to have in the future to maintain her health?

Re: NEw dog vaccines
April 24, 2005 11:09AM
I assume from yor comment about rabies shots that you live in the US.
Your veterinarian is best placed to advise on what further shots are required - it would probably be best if you were to regard your dog as being totally unprotected and to start from scratch, with vaccinatioins against Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitiis, Leptospirosis and Kennel Cough.
Caren Edmead
Re: NEw dog vaccines
April 24, 2005 11:55AM
Hi Walter,
I know that this post doesn't affect me, but i just wanted to ask that if Amanda were to start from scratch with her new dogs vaccines, if for example he had only had these a few months ago, would it still be ok to repeat them?
Just a thought,
Re: NEw dog vaccines
April 27, 2005 04:42PM
Hi, Caren, Thers is no evidence, to the best of my knowlege, that it would do any harm, whereas an infection with Distemper, PVV or Hepatitis if she is NOT protected could do a great deal of harm.
Caren Edmead
Re: NEw dog vaccines
April 27, 2005 10:02PM
I understand that Walter.
It was just a thought, ovbiously Amanda needs to do what is best for the dog.

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