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Euthanasia/feeling uneasy please help!

Posted by Charles 
Euthanasia/feeling uneasy please help!
January 17, 2016 06:06PM
Here in FL, I just had to bring an older dog with congestive heart failure to the vet for labored breathing. He was a sick relative's dog I was taking care of, and the relative's son (my cousin) decided to have him euthanized. It wasn't my call, and I had no way to pay for the alternative expensive treatment plan, though I would have gladly if I could have. When the time came, I asked if I could stay with the little guy while they put him to sleep, but the receptionist said it would cost an extra $30.00 because if I were to be present they would have to use a catheter. I wish I would have asked more questions. I ended up leaving them to it because she said she could not bill me, I had no cash on me, and she wanted to call my cheapo cousin to ask him. Also I first (extra stupid stupidly) thought they meant a urinary catheter, and didn't want the poor dog to suffer any more than necessary. I am having some heavy regrets now. Any help, please? I know now (with google's help) she meant an IV catheter, but why would their procedures change with me present? It seems to me like, if anything, having to use an optional catheter would only introduce more potential for undue stress for the animal, and consequently the owner/caregiver.


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