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budgie, possible concussion, advice needed

Posted by ash19 
budgie, possible concussion, advice needed
December 31, 2015 03:38PM
hello, my budgie basilina, a 3 and a half year old aprox female budgie slipped out the teatowel and fell on the floor, a gentle fall and she was fine, I picked her up but she got out the tea towel and went on top of her cage, she cant fly as she was born with a malformed wing, we panicked and went to get her but she jumped and dropped and landed smack on the wood floor, shes fallen and jumped off her cage lots of times but this time she was distressed, and we thought she had broken her neck, as she was lolling her head back, and looked ''drunk'' so to speak, she always had not particularly good balance but she was sliding off when climbing alot, she was silent and on the bottom of the cage all night, the next day her head and neck were back to normal, and she was back on her perches, day 3, she was eating and drinking again and tweeted a few times, she is getting better it seems, its day 4, and shes eating (a little less than normal), climbing, and drinking again as relatively normal, but she is extremely quiet, and tired alot, I suspect she has concussion and plan to take her to a vet soon but I am holding out, as I dont wish to traumatize her is shes getting better, her leg was red, I dont know if it was a bruise or inflammation, it seems to have gone down a little, she could still use it all right, we are keeping her warm and with quietness and plenty of food and water, how long does concussion last and what in your opinion is the best way to go about helping her, continuing what we are doing with plenty off food and water? thankyou.

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