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Can you identify what these tiny spots are?
December 27, 2015 07:03AM

My 4 month old adopted male puppy has these tiny reddish-brownish spots on the underbelly near the rear and below the genitalia. He reacts aggressively if I try to touch/inspect these spots and he licks/itches them frequently. Note that he does nothing genitalia or any other body part is touched.

here's what it looks like :

What can I do? He got his first vaccination (6 in 1) 2 days ago.

He used to live outdoors before I adopted him but now he lives indoors with me. I did spot an unknown parasite/insect in the area but before I could do anything about it, it disappeared. He has fleas and i'm trying everything possible to get rid of them but he refuses to let me use any chemical products on him during baths or otherwise. He cries a lot only when chemicals are introduced. So, have been using apple cider vinegar diluted mix and it helps with the itching and I have killed several fleas with it.

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