VetClick Discussion Forum



Posted by Missey 
December 23, 2015 12:28PM
My 18 year old cat was put to sleep on Sunday after weeks of not eating or eating just a tiny amount after which she was always sick with diarrhoea, her weight loss was very drastic over this period.

Her bloods were taken last week and results were all normal, no organ failure. She has, for years lived with asthma and an overactive thyroid - controlled successfully with medication.

What the vet said was she is old with very bad tartar on her teeth and along with all the above problems plus actually starving to death, the kindest thing to do would be to put her to sleep. the also said they could take her to the surgery (she was always treated at home due to going into shock in the car) put her though all sorts of invasive tests, which she may not survive due to the asthma/breathing problems and the results would just show what they already think - that she is just old and ready to go.

What I don't understand is, if she was just old but with all organs showing normal, why was she constantly vomiting, what was causing the diarrhoea? I feel wracked with guilt.


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