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My hen was attacked by fishercat

Posted by Michelle 
My hen was attacked by fishercat
July 15, 2004 10:17AM
My pet hen was attacked by a fishercat last nigt, fortunatley I got there fast because the coop is outside my bedroom window. But the fisher did manage to get a tiny chunk from her neck and a big gash from her hind just to the side of her butt. You can see the bones minimal blood. My friend came over and cleaned the wound removed the feathers and dried blood, softly scrubbed the area with hydrogen peroxide and then covered the wound with neosporin, gauze and taped it up. We are keeping her quiet and away from the others, as the rooster wants to do his thing regardless of her condition.

My question to you is does she need antibiotics and can you by them for poultry without taking her to the vet? I can't spend money because my husband believes they are food. She is my favorite hen, please help!

Re: My hen was attacked by fishercat
July 16, 2004 07:16AM
Sorry to hear about the attacke on your hen!
You do not say where you live - the rules on buying antibiotics over the counter vary from country to country.
It is unlikely in this case that antibiotics will be needed - you seem to have done all the right things.
However, once having found your hens, the fishercat is likely to come back - I think a more secure pen is needed!

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