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Older daschound having issues
September 02, 2013 02:18PM
Hi, I have a weenie dog who is about 10-12 years old (he was a rescue) who has hypothyroidism and has been on medication for about a year now. In the last couple of weeks he has developed anxiety and seems to almost be having panic attacks, especially at night. He paces around the house and will try to jump out of the bed, something he has NEVER done before, he is usually very well behaved and sleeps through the night. I checked his temp and it was 101.8 which I understand is normal for dogs. He does not act like he is in pain and when you let him down or take him in another room he will run around like Normal. He has cataracts but has had these for some time. I do not know if this could be related to his hypothyroidism or if this some form of dementia beginning to manifest. Please help!
Re: Older daschound having issues
September 22, 2013 10:10AM

Older dogs can certainly develop forms of senility or dementia. Their sleep patterns can change (they forget its the middle of the night) and they can be restless and active during the night because they are confused. Its not helped if there are also cataracts affecting vision or any hearing loss. Presumably his hypothyroidism is controlled by his medication and you go for regular checks? I think this one is for your vet to work out and maybe some supplements or further medication can be prescribed to help.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours

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