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Cockatiel droopy wings

Posted by Bindigirl 
Cockatiel droopy wings
August 24, 2013 03:20AM
I adopted a baby cockatiel a month ago, she's just over 3 months old. Both her wings hang a bit low, she learned to fly in my house as she was kept in a small cage without a perch with the breeder. She is actually a very happy bird always playing and flying and eating, I'm just wondering if she will learn to hold her wings properly or if it means there's an underlying problem even if she otherwise looks very healthy, happy and alert. She eats a good quality seed mix with some Harrison's pellets and the odd sprig of coriander. I hope you can help us x
Re: Cockatiel droopy wings
September 10, 2013 08:15PM

I can't answer your question about if her droopy wings will improve but I guess they work well enough if she can fly. Sounds to me like you are probably right, its the early confinement in a small space that has led to this. Living in an enriched environment, getting exercise and not getting bored is what birds need. I think you are giving her the best possible chance to improve and she does sound very happy anyway, even if her wings continue to droop. A month isn't very long so give her more time. You could get a vet to check her over, especially if anything changes.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
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