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Why would my cat hold his back leg up but not to clean it?

Posted by Bri 
Why would my cat hold his back leg up but not to clean it?
August 06, 2013 05:07AM
My youngest cat Silvio will sometimes hold his back left leg up like he is about to clean it but he doesn't. He is not in any pain that i know of and isn't limping nor is he showing any other sign of distress. He has no fever nor is he panting and I have him on a controlled diet. I have also checked his back paw and leg to see if anything is inflamed or broken and no, everything is fine.

So my roundabout question is, should I take him to the vet or just keep a close eye on him for the next few days?
Re: Why would my cat hold his back leg up but not to clean it?
August 08, 2013 06:57AM

You seem to have checked most things and so far not found a problem. Certainly keep a close eye out for any of the symptoms you listed that aren't present at the moment. If you are still concerned of course take him for a check up. It can't hurt to do that anyway.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
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