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swelling round the private area

Posted by StaceyB 
swelling round the private area
December 30, 2012 08:33AM
Hello, my house mates dog is a neutered male, over a year old. I have noticed a few times that there is swelling around the bottom of his penis, basically looks like two testicles, just a bit higher up! From what I have noticed its only first thing in the morning and I think it goes down by itself. I assessed the lumps this morning and they feel hard to start with but if you very gently rub/squeeze them it completely disappears, like releasing build up of fluid or air maybe? Is this normal? He was neutered a few months back, and is completely healed, and he's in no pain with his lumps from what I can tell! Thank you very much to anyone that can help me!
Re: swelling round the private area
January 04, 2013 11:47AM
Hi Stacey

This is a very common query about male dogs. Your description is of his normal anatomy and the swelling you are seeing is developing as he starts to get an erection of his penis. This can still occur for any neutered dog, especially a young one, as they can still become excited and more so in the early months after neutering. Frankly if you dont pay attention to it he will calm down and the swelling will subside a lot quicker. Certainly you dont need to worry about him so I hope that helps.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
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