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Please help my hamster losing his fur

Posted by JJ 
Please help my hamster losing his fur
September 21, 2012 02:17PM
Hello, I have golden slyian hamster boy, He is about 2.2years old. He started losing his back furs and back of his head furs.( well, he is bold pretty much) He seems not scraching and his skin is not bleeding, just pinkish like normal skin. I could not find any mite. He is eating and drinking but not like he use to. Also he seems having some probrems to clim up tube. especially his left leg seems bit weak these days. My daughter is worry sick about him. (This is her first pet.)
Does he just getting old? or something else? please advice me.
Thank you.
Re: Please help my hamster losing his fur
September 24, 2012 09:07AM
Hello JJ

Yes your hamster is certainly getting old but that doesnt mean you shouldn't try to help him. The falling appetite and weakness climbing, along with the fur loss are all symptoms that mean his health is not good and there could be a variety of causes, not simply old age. Your vet is the one to tell you if there is anything that can be done to help him. I would urge you to take him along there for an assessment of his problems.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours
Re: Please help my hamster losing his fur
October 07, 2012 07:51AM
Thank you Dr.Wickenden. We took him to vets 2 week ago. Vets check all parasite but none found. Vets gave us some antibiotic to give him.
But since we try to give him antibiotic (mixed in his water bottle us told) he stop drinking. I gave direct into his mouth (mix with honey water) but he stated to have little red bump which getting bigger. After talk to vet on phone, we stop give him antibiotic.
but this time he start to have some bump/lump under his ear, under his jaw, under his arm and some other part of his boday.
This time vets gave him Anti-inflammatory injection. Because of timing of lump starteds just in case this swellling is some kind of side effect. But he does not really believe that but he wanted to give some chance to my hammy.
He said if swelling does not go down in next 3 days, he may have cancer growing.(its already spred all his body) and his age and health she recomend,,,,,
Today is 3rd day since he had injection, so far lump is still there, it look little bit smaller, but maybe I wanted to beleive.
He looks very tired and hardry wanted to came out from his house. But seems still carry food into his house.
I hope we can still have more time together but not sure.
For his furs,,,,, Well he have furs regrows on top of his head and side of his body now.
Thank you
Re: Please help my hamster losing his fur
October 08, 2012 08:31PM

You've done all the things you can and so has your vet so I'm sorry that it's not looking very good for your hamster. It sounds like his problems are complicated and if you take his age into account as well it is a just too difficult set of symptoms to treat and for him to overcome. Be guided by your vet but at least you have all tried hard to help him.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours

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