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Could you give me some information concerning my 16yr old cat

Posted by LB 
Could you give me some information concerning my 16yr old cat
August 30, 2012 11:35AM
Hi, I have a 16 yr old female cat who has always been in good health, but over the last few months she's lost most of her fur underneath, has cut down on drinking, has lost lots of weight.... More so in the last few days, makes a horrible heartbreaking roaring sound which we put down to wanting company when she can't see/hear us (she is going blind and deaf) and now 20mins ago she has brought up blood, it's made a spray pattern on the carpet but I did not witness it, my son said that she coughed it up.
I've had her since I was 16yrs old and have always done my best for her and given her a good life but I'm worried now as I had a back operation so I can't go back to work for a while yet and money is a big issue but I want to do my best for her.
Can anyone help with any information at all. It would all be very much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
Re: Could you give me some information concerning my 16yr old cat
August 31, 2012 09:34AM
Hi There,

I understand your financial predicament, but it sounds like your cat is really unwell and in need of treatment or at least a full clinical exam by a qualified vet who will be able to help you with a diagnosis and possible prognosis. You can try phoning Cats Protection who may be able to help as they are a charity organisation or alternatively there is also the Blue Cross and the RSPCA.

Please don't hesitate any longer & get her seen asap!

Good luck,
Zara The Vet


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