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Is my cat dying?

Posted by jkkorman 
Is my cat dying?
June 18, 2004 01:40PM
Hi, We have two cats, our oldest is about 16 years old, and they younger one is about 6. They normally get along very well with the older one being the dominant cat in the house. Yesterday they had a huge fight, something that has not happened since their original introduction, and the younger cat was clearly the instigater. The younger one ended up chasing the older one until he hid. Now the older one is afraid of the younger one, and the younger one acts like she doesn't recognize her older friend anymore. Our 16 year old has arthritis, but takes vitamines that have helped quite a bit. Since this fight, we've had to keep them separated, not an easy task where we live. Thanks for any advice!

Thanks, Janet
Re: Is my cat dying?
June 19, 2004 07:37AM
Hi, Janet,
Sounds like your younger cat has decided to usurp the elder's dominance, and is being successful.
This is a natural progression - it happens in all societies, including human ones!
It is important, for the sake of both, that you do not interfere - do not try to re-stablish the senior as 'boss cat', but reinforce the younger's new status - feed it first, speak to it first and so on. I know it goes all against ones humanitarian instincts, but for peace in the home, you must do it.

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