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Dog Food, is Homemade better

Posted by Kit 
Dog Food, is Homemade better
December 13, 2011 02:44AM
Hi, this isn't a medical problem, just a general query, hope that's allowed.

A few months ago my bf and I rescued a shelter puppy and we can't agree what to feed it. My bf comes from a farming family and has always had several working dogs at any given time, all of which are given people-food as opposed to store bought dog food. They are all very healthy, well bred dogs-the food they are given was whatever the family were eating minus unhealthy stuff obviously...for example if chicken and rice was for dinner, an extra chicken would be cooked for the dogs along with extra rice and vegetables etc.

My bf reasons that dog food is made up of the worst and cheapest parts of other animals, none of it is as fresh as what we could make, and that dogs have evolved eating human leftovers etc for thousands of years. Also, he thinks it's cruel to feed it more or less the same thing day after day.

I see his points but I think that surely dog food has been specially formulated to give dogs exactly what nutrients they need and we'd be guessing at this. I don't want to give our dog health problems. Also, if making our own would be better, why aren't more people doing it.

If it makes any difference, the dog agrees with my bf, lol. Thanks in advance.
Re: Dog Food, is Homemade better
December 18, 2011 12:40PM
In some ways you are both right. Dog food manufacturers spend fortunes on getting things right and so a commercial food would be balanced and healthy. If you make your own food this is laborious and more expensive and you may have trouble making it balanced so unless you get it right it is not as good as a commercial food. As for commercial foods containing worse meat I would think again, some pet food manufacturers get the pick of the best cuts and the left overs go for human consumption! Personally feeding a commercial food is less hassle.
Re: Dog Food, is Homemade better
September 05, 2012 09:55AM
Which dog food brand should I choose?
I buy my Dog Food from this website : []

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