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Cat with nose problem?

Posted by cleo 
Cat with nose problem?
October 23, 2011 04:19PM

We have a young cat, about 15 months old, who in the past few days has begun to sneeze frequently (and forcefully) - we had assumed that she had a minor cold, but over the last 24 to 36 hours have observed her occasionally shaking her head as if to try and dislodge something, and pawing at her nose. We are growing concerned that there may be something physically wrong in that area. In terms of her general health, she is eating as normal and aside from the sneezing does not appear to be ill.

Around a week ago she developed a rash on the inside of one of her back legs, and was given antibiotics and a steroid injection, but in the week since she returned from the vet she had seemed to be fine, so we are unsure whether there is a link between the rash and its treatment, and this new behaviour.

We are considering taking her to our vet but would first like to know if this is strictly necessary - she is a rescue cat who is very timid and is only just becoming comfortable in our home, and the car ride is very frightening for her so we would not want to subject her to it if there is no cause for concern.

We would be very grateful for any advice you might offer us.
Re: Cat with nose problem?
October 24, 2011 07:32AM
Sorry for the delay in replying I have been away.

This sounds like there is something up the nose and the usual culprit is a blade of grass. Your vet will need to look up the nose with a small scope, usually under general anaesthetic.
Re: Cat with nose problem?
August 19, 2012 06:48PM
Hi, my cat has got dried blood around her noes and keeps sneezing no running blood that I have noticed but she is not her self all sleepy and normal she is very energetic.? She is only 18 weeks old do I need to take her to vets .?
Re: Cat with nose problem?
August 20, 2012 08:11AM
Hi there,
Thanks for the email & yes you do need to take her to a vet. She is very young and her immune system is still developing, so she will find it harder to fight off infections. She may have cat flu, but either way she needs to be thoroughly checked out by a vet and the appropriate treatment administered asap.
Good luck!
Zara The Vet


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