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Gungy Eyes (Dogs)

Posted by Caren Edmead 
Caren Edmead
Gungy Eyes (Dogs)
May 30, 2005 05:04PM
Hi Walter,

Bailey and one of his Litter Mates who he sees daily both have very gungy eyes.
This started a few days ago and they are having to be cleaned at least 4 times a day.
Their eyes themselves look fine (No redness) and they don't seem bothered by it.
Could this be Conjunctivitis? Or a reaction to the sudden changes in the weather?
I am only really concerned as both Pups have it.
Would you suggest a trip to the vets?
Thanks Walter.
Re: Gungy Eyes (Dogs)
May 30, 2005 06:55PM
Hi, Caren,
This sounds like a sensitivity to something which they are coming into contact with - a bit like hay fever in humans.
Are there any fields of, for example, oil-seed rape which are in flower and producing masses of pollen?
Grass pollen allergy can also cause this, as can some household products like the powdwe which you cna put onto carpets before vacuuming to deoderise them. (often used when you have a not-quite-house-trained puppy!)
A wipe with a tissue moistened with a little warm water to which a pinch of salt has been added may be all that is necessary.
Caren Edmead
Re: Gungy Eyes (Dogs)
May 31, 2005 08:15AM
Thanks Walter.
Yes, we live near the Beach and lots of feilds.
I don't use anything on my carpets and i don't think that my Neighbour does either.
Hayfever sounds likely as they spend lots of time in the feilds now that the weather is good.
We have been using the salt water and this doen't seem to be helping very much.
I will give it a few more days and see how they go.
Is there any other suggestions before a trip to the vets?
Thanks again,
Re: Gungy Eyes (Dogs)
May 31, 2005 11:33AM
Hi, Caren,
I do not think it sounds very serious, but it is always a good idea to see the vet if you are worried.
He may prescribe eye drops or eye ointment. Do not get eye ointment from a pet shop or pharmacist without veterinary advice.
Incidentally, do you live in the UK? There are plants in the USA which are extremely irritant.
Caren Edmead
Re: Gungy Eyes (Dogs)
June 01, 2005 01:22PM
Yes, I live in the Uk.

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