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Posted by Jennie 
May 23, 2005 07:52AM
Please can you help. We have a female cat she has been spayed, so she isnt the problem.
The neighbours cat is a male and has been neutered but everynight it comes into our house and sprays everywhere. We have bought magnectic catflaps as but this cat still manages to get in. It sprays all over the house even the work surfaces, the stress of all this is making me ill.
I dont want to keep my pet in all the time as I work during the day and I dont want to keep her locked in as it isnt fair on her. But i'm now at a loss as what to do, I have spoken to the neighbours and have had no response I have even filmed the cat spraying. Please can you help me... Thank you
Re: Spraying
May 23, 2005 11:35AM
Hi, Jennie,
A difficult one!
If the male cat only comes in at night, and not during the day, why not close it at night - this will only be restricting your own cat for part of the time.
I cannot understand how the magnetic cat flap is not working, unless the neighbours cat has a collar with a magnetic 'key' on it.
If not, there may be something wrong with your flap - phone the manufacturers and explain the problem to them, and ask for their advice.
If toy are around when the other cat comes in, you can always try 'aversion therapy' - a squeezy bottle full of water and whenever its head appears through the flap a good squirt betweeen the eyes. This is not 'cruel' and if you can manage it often enough may well be effective.
Re: Spraying
May 23, 2005 12:56PM
Hi Walter thank you for replying. We have had two magnectic cat flaps now, and the cat that comes in has no magnet. It comes in anytime of the day or night, we have caught it in the house before and scared it off but nothing seems to stop it.
It has ruined the settee and tv with it's spraying all I seem to do is clean up it's mess only to do it all again the next morning.
It's heartbreaking at times as it sprays all over the kitchen where i prepare food and i'm forever scrubbing before i can cook, and i cant leave anything out on the counters it's becoming a nightmare now. Jennie
Re: Spraying
May 23, 2005 02:38PM
Hi, Jennie,
Have you tried contacting the makers of the magnetic cat flap and asked why any cat can get access?
Try the water cure, and restricting the times that the flap is unlocked, even if your own cat's access to outside is limited. I think that is the lesser of two evils. There is no worse smell to me than male cat urine!
You must have awful neighbours!
Re: Spraying
May 23, 2005 03:07PM
Hi Thank you I have contacted them, they said that if the cat has a bell or anything metal on the collar then it is possible that the cat can get in that way.
Now what is the point of a magnectic catflap if it works that way, total waste of money as far as I can see.
Thank you very much for trying too help.
Regards Jennie
Re: Spraying
May 23, 2005 06:04PM
Complete waste of money - I could not agree more!

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