VetClick Discussion Forum


Puppy Feeding

Posted by Jean Hedley 
Jean Hedley
Puppy Feeding
December 06, 2007 04:06PM
Can you give me any advice on puppy feeding? I currently have a ten week old puppy (Bruno) and, as he seems to like dry puppy food, I'd like to continue feeding him this. The only problem is that the feeding instructions on most of the puppy food packets available are only suitable if you know what size your puppy is going to become and, as Bruno is a pure mongrel we don't have a clue. The instructions are also very 'wide'. For example one packet says that medium breed dogs (those who will eventually weigh between 5 and 25 kilos) should be fed from 150 - 390 grams per day! I find it all rather confusing. The instructions on wet dog food don't seem to be any more illuminating. Whilst Bruno is in very good health he does seem skinny and I don't know whether this is because I'm not feeding him enough or because it's his natural shape. We know his mother was a German Shepherd cross but what she was crossed with and what else he has in him is anybody's guess. Just wondered if you had any suggestions - I don't want to go too far the wrong way and overfeed him.
Re: Puppy Feeding
December 07, 2007 05:40PM
Hi, Jean,

If your pup is rhe son of a GSD cross the chances are that he will be quite big.
At this stage I would 'feed to appetite' even if it means wasting a litlle food left over after each meal.
I wouled also suggest half and half dry food and moist. Feed one kind in the morning and the other at night.
Make sure that you de-worm him regularly too, until he is six monthsd old.


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