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Just what are our pets eating!!

Posted by Michael West 
Michael West
Just what are our pets eating!!
April 05, 2005 06:15PM
Walter you say you have visited the Major UK food producer of animal feed.What about the rest I have read that head ,feet and skin and anything surplus to requirement goes into animal feed.In fact this very issue is being taken up with your RCVS at present.It is also being taken up with Defra and it is indeed worrying to think we are feeding our animals food that is going to make them ill.. on vets advice.. has happened with a person I know.
Apparently feeding a cat a complete dried food is wrong they are not designed to tolerate dry food.Renal failure being the problem.
Re: Just what are our pets eating!!
April 06, 2005 07:15AM
Hi, Michale,
Do you believe everything that you read? I don't!
Take up my suggestion, and go and see for yourself.
Caren Edmead
Re: Just what are our pets eating!!
April 06, 2005 08:15AM
I strongly agree with you there Walter, you cannot beleive everything that you read, if that was the case then we would all be living in fear.
Stacey Lang
Re: Just what are our pets eating!!
April 06, 2005 10:10AM
I'm afraid by people trusting so called experts means that people stop thinking for themselves and challenging what those experts say and put in print. Why did it take Jamie Oliver to point out our children are being fed reconstituted rubbish for school dinners?. What do you think the pet food industry put into pet food. Why are they noe moving into the developing countries. Walter as a vet do you think cats need to eat vegetables or large quantities carbohydrates? How does added salt affect kidney function in cats. Some branded cat foods would now have you believe that cats eat casseroled rabbit with peas and carrots. Not everyone will be able to afford RCVS approved cat kidney transplants you know.
Re: Just what are our pets eating!!
April 06, 2005 11:04AM
Hi, Stacey,
Recent reseach indicates that cats DO require a diet containg more salt than do humans.
Surely, Jamie Oliver is an 'expert' in nutrition and food preparation?
So far as I know not a single kidney transplant has been carried out on a cat in the UK. I was on RCVS Council when the 'go-ahead' was given to kidney transplants, but the surrounding conditions are so stringent it is most unlikely that it will becaome an everyday procedure.
Most cats, fed on so-called natural food, or commercially prepared 'processed', food, develop kidney failure in later life. It is probably the commonest cause of death in cats over 12years.

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