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cat spraying

Posted by jo 
cat spraying
August 23, 2004 12:04PM

i have an 8 year old cat- male, whose spraying is getting worse all the time. we have just moved to a new home, and he is insisting on getting on all of the kitchen work surfaces at night and peeing everywhere. we have lost count of the number of times we have had to clean everything off! the spraying is also accompanied by howling at night and early in the morning- every day without fail. he also takes a shine to some skirting boards, and pees up the walls.

we have three other cats too, who don't pee anywhere. i know that other cats in the home can be a problem for a spraying cat, but he just seems to be getting worse as he gets older.

i've tried cleaning with biological washing liquid followed by surgical spirit, and feliway, but to no avail.

we really are going out of our minds with this- can anyone help?

Re: cat spraying
August 23, 2004 12:21PM
Territorial marking is a serious problem - the urine smell persists for a long time, despite washing and deodourising.
The website '' has a downlodable leaflet which may give you some ideas.
Re: cat spraying
August 23, 2004 01:48PM

thanks. i've already seen that, and it suggests nothing new i'm afraid. would it be worth takingmy cat to see a pet behaviourist? can they help in these matters?

Re: cat spraying
August 25, 2004 03:14PM
Yes. Your vet should be able to recommend a good behaviourist.

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