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Dog becoming anxious at noises

Posted by Lbshick 
Dog becoming anxious at noises
July 31, 2013 01:35AM
My 18 month old mixed breed dog has suddenly become anxious at loud noises. This started with a thunderstorm but now any loud noise drives her to shaking violently andthen panting and she just acts nervous. This is something that just started with her. Not sure how to handle and if this is somehting that will pass or get worse.
Re: Dog becoming anxious at noises
August 07, 2013 07:29PM

This is a very typical progression for a dog who is developing a severe phobia to loud and scary noises. It often starts in young dogs with a one off severe scare such during as the thunderstorm you mention. It seems like once a dog is sensitised by a bad experience, the anxiety builds quickly to a high pitch the next time there's another storm or, the same level of anxiety can develop more widely as in your dog's case, when any type of loud noises occur. In severe anxiety a dog becomes very distressed and is unlikely to just settle down and get over the problem. You will need the advice of a behaviourist to work with you and her to get her desensitised and calmer around loud noises. In the UK there are noise desensitising audio programmes available that you can buy and use to gradually help your dog to learn to cope by playing low level noises simulating thunder, then gradually increasing the play volume over a period of time. You must never progress the noise level up to a point where the dog gets anxious at any stage whilst she is re-learning to cope. It works but be patient as it can take time to settle a dog with noise phobia down to being normal again. Good luck with her.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours

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