VetClick Discussion Forum


Poorly guinea pig

Posted by Valsie 
Poorly guinea pig
June 15, 2013 06:59PM
My five year old guinea pig, Buddy is very poorly. I noticed about 10 days ago that his poos had become much smaller - now they a really tiny and quite hard. Over the past week he has lost a lot of weight and I can feel his bones. He is very quiet and is just lying down most of the time. He is still eating - he has just ate two pieces of cucumber. I noticed today that his urine is a greeny colour. He does not appear to be in pain. I have been giving him water via a syringe with a Vitamin C tablet crushed in, just in case he is dehydrated. I am aware of impaction, as my previous guinea pig suffered with it, but Buddy does not have impaction. Could it be that it is just old age and his time is near?

Thank you for reading my question.
Re: Poorly guinea pig
June 18, 2013 06:31PM

I hope you can take him to a vet. He does sound very poorly but they might be able to help him but he is quite old and sorry but as you say, his time might be near.

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