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Something oral or cancerous in my cat?

Posted by l_b_rex 
Something oral or cancerous in my cat?
January 16, 2013 04:26AM
Hi everyone. These is my first post. I have 2 cats both age 2.5. They are brother and sister. Both cats since living with me (5 months) have been eating dry cat food. On dec 23 2012 My dad gave me some wet canned cat food. Not a no name brand. I fed it to both of them and then the next day Blackie (sick cat) laid around and was hardly moving and he had her tongue sticking out of his mouth. I honestly thought he was dieing. I did not feed him that food again. His tongue was about a hallf inch sticking out. He normally is very active but for about 3 days in a row he would just lay around with that tongue hanging out. I can't afford to take him to a vet. They are too expensive for me. I am low income. Anyways, after the 3rd day he started to move around a tiny bit more so I thought maybe it was a food allergyreaction and was going away. Over the next 2 weeks or so he became more active but the tongue was still hanging out a little. At times it looked like he had tears in his eyes even though he was purring like crazy. No fluid was coming out the nose or mouth. I also covered his mouth with my hand to see if he was able to breathe through his nose and he was and still is. There were times about 2 weeks ago that saliva was dripping on to his chin. It was like he didn't even know he was drooling. There were 3 times in about a 3 day period inwhich the drooling occurred and then it ended. I also noticed sometime along the way that he would open his jaw wide and stick his tongue out far and then back in and out as if he was silently choking but no vomit, no thrusting. His bottom jaw would shake up and down for about 30 seconds and then he would be fine again...oh and his breath smelled like poop! Since he was acting much better I changed the cat food from cheap dry food stuff to Whiskas dry food and his breath was much better. That is the history. Here is where we are now. He still has his tongue sticking out a very tiny bit almost all the time but does keep it in all the way once and awhile. His breath is bad again but not as bad. He is now running around and playing with his sister and play fights with me. He seems very much normal activity wise except that smell of his breath and the jaw twitching like he was gagging on something. Oh and when he gags its not like he bends over in a vommitting stance he twists his head a bit. I think it may be a hairball because I know if I had hair stuck in my throat I would do the same thing. ( If you ever saw Secret Window with Jonny Depp it reminds me of how jonny depp makes that weird movement with his mouth late in the movie) It does look like he tries to use his tongue to clear his throat. But my concern with that is he is silent. No noise at all. Also on dec 24th I did take him to the emergency vet clinic and waited 3 hours and had to just leave but the lady that came in and gave a very brief examination took his temperature and rubbed his jaw and neck and checked the heartbeat and said all his vital signs are good. I don't see any tartar on the teeth either and the gums are nice and pink.

The cats still share the same water dish and Cuddles (the sister) is perfectly fine and has been the entire time.

So I am thinking he doesn't have a respitory problem or virus because I read viruses would transfer upon direct contact and they share the same water and she grooms him every day like normal. But I am also not sure about a hairball. It just seems like too much coincidence that this all began right after trying this new wet catfood. What are your thoughts?
Re: Something oral or cancerous in my cat?
January 18, 2013 05:41PM

I dont believe that any brand of cat food that is fresh would do this to your cat. I appreciate your financial difficulty but the smell from his mouth may be due to infection that has been there ages and that is not going to clear unless you get him a proper examiniation and treatment with antibiotics. As its been going on a while now, if you can mange to then please take him to a vet clinic for a diagnosis and some treatment.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours

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