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Two Wonderful Dogs- Issue is, lots of problems! Please help!

Posted by Brittany R 
Brittany R
Two Wonderful Dogs- Issue is, lots of problems! Please help!
January 02, 2013 07:01AM
Hi, my name is Brittany and I am the proud owner of Kane(80lbs)and Lola(72). Both have not been spayed/neutered. They are brother and sister from the same litter.
Their breed background is brazilian mastiff, bluenose pitbul, husky, black lab, and a bloodhound. Its alot but that what they
Have in them! They were born May10th, 2012. I will get right to the point;
My issues that im encountering with them is only problematic in relation to kane (male). I ran into financal issues and i have been
Unable to take them to two vet for shots and proper examinations. I feel horrible but that is whats happening so im not looking for any
Predudice please. I just need answers to help him.

So, the issues that me and my boyfriend are experiencing is that kane pees. Everywhere. We have tried every method and any type of technique.
We have taken him to the vet once due to a very painful knee (tendon)separation he experience when he collided with another dog at the park. This injury, i
Feel has a big role in this current 'peepee' issue he has.
We have tried to rehabilitate him (we live in a 3 story apartment building and we use stairs) and he showed signs of recovery but everytime, he'll reinjure it by playing to rough or if lola hurts him when theyre playing.
Due to his injury, i personally feel that he has developed a neverous rection to just complusivly pee. My money issue is the only thing holding me back . Im just searching for
Help and answers at this point.

Kane will pee if:
--we get him ready for his walk, he pees at the door. As if he is mad that we're not taking him right away.
--disapline him
--dont give him a treat right away (im talking milliaseconds not minutes)

I feel that kane is extremely anxious and nervous. He'll run and hide, he'll pull on the leash constantly and try to fight a submission. He acts like a very stubborn dog. But i cant help but feel theres more behind his actions.

Please help!
Re: Two Wonderful Dogs- Issue is, lots of problems! Please help!
January 04, 2013 12:59PM
Your most urgent issue on the peeing matter with Kane, and possibly with his general behaviour is that he is not neutered and whilst maturing is living with his sister, an entire female who is likely to come into her heat anytime soon. When this happens his peeing activity will become even worse. Also how exactly do you plan to prevent them mating ? They are brother and sister and really didnt ought to. Nothing in their nature will stop this as they dont know that they shouldn't breed together as brother and sister. They are both big dogs for you to try to physcially keep apart to prevent this happening.

I dont know how you manage this but Kane's issues would be helped by having him neutered.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours

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