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My cat has a sore leg - don't know how bad.

Posted by Interstella 
My cat has a sore leg - don't know how bad.
November 28, 2009 07:44AM
Yesterday, my cat came home and he was limping. He only puts his foot down gently, and he's fine when he's sat down. There are no physical signs of injury (no strange lumps, no scratches ect), and he'll let me touch his legs while he's relaxed and lay down.

I don't think it's broken, since he can put his foot down and he doesn't mind me touching it, but I don't know what caused it, and am wondering how long I can safely leave it before taking Mack to the vets (here, it's expensive and I'm a broke student).

Mack is just under a year old (we're not sure how old exactly), and he's hurt his front left leg.

Do you know what it's likely to be? I'm not sure how to tell a strain from a sprain ect.
And how long should I wait before taking him to the vets?

Re: My cat has a sore leg - don't know how bad.
November 28, 2009 09:20AM

I suspect that if you examine his paw, including the pads, and the lower leg, millimetre by millimetre you will find a tiny punture wound where he has been bitten by another cat.
As long as it is not infected, it will probably recover without veterinary treatment, but if it does not improve aftrr a few days, or becomes swollen, he will need a shot of anitbiotics.

Re: My cat has a sore leg - don't know how bad.
November 28, 2009 09:24AM
Thank you, I'll make sure to do that. He's sleeping now, and he seems to be okay, so I'll check him over when he's a little more awake, rather than disturbing him.
Thank you for the advise.
Re: My cat has a sore leg - don't know how bad.
January 28, 2013 08:39PM
My cat I think has a sore leg he does not let me touch it but seems to lean to one side.
When I do manage to lift it he falls over.
My friend thinks it is old age .
My cat is 18 years old
Re: My cat has a sore leg - don't know how bad.
February 08, 2013 06:04PM
Hi Laura

Your cat is certainly very elderly and so could have weak legs due to arthritis. That's just one possibility but there's a list of other possible causes of soreness and him leaning to one side. He is not too old to be helped with his problem. I suggest you take him to a vet to at least see if he can have some pain relief for the problem, even if it cant be cured.

Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours

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