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limp tail

Posted by jocelyn 
limp tail
July 16, 2011 02:29PM
I woke up this morning to find that my cat wasn't moving her tail. She is a 3yr old calico that my boyfriend saved from a hungry dog when she was a kitten. She is missing a toe on her back left paw and only has three quarters of her tail due to that incident. Anyway she normally has an active tail and that's why I'm worried about the limpness today. I notice slight swelling at the base and she gets irratated when I lift it. She has problems sitting but is still a liitle active and can still lay down. I see spontanious twitch at the tip and from what I can tell just takes time to straighten itself out but I'm still worried and would love some feedback to know what I should do!
Re: limp tail
July 17, 2011 05:07AM
The most likely explanation is a cat bite at the base of the tail which will need antibiotics; otherwise there may be a fracture or the tail may have been caught in something and pulled damaging the nerves. Your vet should be able to tell all these apart. It is important in the latter 2 causes to ensure the cat can urinate as damage to the base of the spine can sometimes paralyse the bladder.
Re: limp tail
July 18, 2011 01:07AM
In reference to our cat spaz, she is now able to lift her tail when we scratch her back but she still is unable to wag it and still has problems sitting. She is able to get close to sitting but not able to sit flat all together. She is using her litter box as normally urinating and using bowel movements. And i dont feel any bumps around the base. The only time it seems to bother her is if i try to lift the tail all the way up. Do you think I need to take her to the vet asap or is this something that just takes time to heal as it seems to slowly be getting better. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to my concerns i greatly appreciate it!
Re: limp tail
July 21, 2011 07:30PM
Well things seem to have improved which is good. My only concern is why she has trouble sitting which could suggest a pelvic injury or could be just because the base of the tail is painful. Although things might sort themselves out without a visit to the vet the lesion is probably painful and seeing the vet for painkillers at the least would make the cat feel a lot better.

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