VetClick Discussion Forum



Posted by sparky 
July 21, 2008 05:33AM
I am a seventeen year old female from Jamaica and I’m kind of confused about the career I should do. I enjoy business but I also absolutely love animals, I care about animals a lot, I even have some of my own, and I have always wanted to be a vet, since I was little girl. The thing is I have never sat down and have a GOOD TALK about becoming a vet, surgeries, and the formal education vets receive…….etc with an actual veterinarian.
As I said before I absolutely love animals, and I could see my self helping them for the rest of my life I don’t mind; but growing up in a area where business is so heavily emphasis just perpetuates my confusion.
I’ve been hearing about different types of businesses, the flaws, the good, how lucrative wall street can be, accounts, overall business day in day out, day in day out. I JUST NEED TO HEAR ABOUT THE WONDERS OF BEEN A VET. The whole journey, the surgeries, the practice, the hardship, the benefits, the schooling they had to take. Your response to this message would be greatly appreciated.
July 21, 2008 08:06AM
Hi, Sparky,

I have moved your message to a different forum, hoping that some vet students will be able to tell you what motivated them into wanting to become vets,

Speaking for myself, I knew what I wanted to do from being about 8 years old, and growing up on a farm I lived with animals all my life. I have never regretted my decsion.

July 21, 2008 06:50PM
Thanks alot for answering my message but which forum did you send my message to, and how will i get THE RESPONSES the vet Students SEND ME
July 22, 2008 08:35AM
Hi, Sparky -

Sorry if I have confused you, but I sent your message from the 'Ask the Vet' forum to this one 'Vet Students'.

If (and I hope you do) get any responses from vet students, they will appear here, so come on students, give Sparky some help, please.



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