On a work placement it is likely that at first you would only be allowed to observe rather than actually doing anything and you are right, cleaning up after pets and their treatments takes up lots of time in a veterinary clinic. My advice would be to watch what is happening closely and try to pick up how tasks are being done. Most work experience students feel a bit nervous at first, staff usually expect that. When you feel a bit more confident you could offer to help, starting with just minor tasks. That is always appreciated and will create the good impression that you want to. Ask questions appropriately, stay interested in what is happening and follow any instructions you are given carefully. Then you are likely to be allowed to gradually get more involved and they are more likely to offer you that student place as well.
Cathy Wickenden BVet Med MRCVS
Barton Lodge Veterinary Centre
1 Midland Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5BH
Tel: 01442 216048 24 hours