VetClick Discussion Forum


Woking with wild animals!

Posted by Clacla 
Woking with wild animals!
October 30, 2011 01:26PM
Hi smiling smiley

I'm Claudia and I'm a student at the Veterinary University. My dream is to work with wild animals in the future, like for example in a zoo. I have already found something in London at the RVC for my post-graduate study and I'd also like to do at least a little experience with these animals, like for example during the summer. So, I wanted to ask you if:

- someone has some information about these kinds of experience, specially in Europe (I live in Italy, but I know that if I want to work with this animals, I have to go abroad at the beginning) but also in other countries;
- someone knows if there are scholarships to study in UK for a vet student.

Thanks to all and sorry for my english...I know that it's not perfect smiling smiley

Bye bye,

Claudia N.
Re: Woking with wild animals!
September 12, 2013 11:59AM
I am a veterinary student. I am from India and if you are really looking forward to work with wild animals then wildlife institute of India offers a 2 year master degree program and 3 year phd degree. I think there is 2 or 3 seats for a foreign candidate. Just browse the net.


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