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Tedy , 4 months , died
March 21, 2010 09:36AM
Hello, my name is David Stefanescu, Iasi are we 17 years and I have a favor to you to help me.

So on March 20, 2010 died a thousand puppy named Tedy, he was only 4 months, because his dead still not known,

First things first:
Was intro day, I came from school (I've kept in aparatament) and went outside with him, made diarrhea, when mom came home (she's veterinarian, but based on how many) and gave him a pill for diarrhea, After 1 hour started crying, the mother complained he gave some painkillers, etc. and nothing cried all night, went to the doctor this morning and nothing lam all crying and the doctor gave him some painkillers to consult, about 1 hour passed and led lam and that while the doctor started crying, he did not have surgery tummy something, and guess what: there was nothing in his belly, and he also complained, led to another good race doctor doctor that gave him a sedative with hope horses pass, Lam brought home about 1 hour half of the state, during anesthesia and nothing and started to cry and cry even more, I was about 3 times that day by the doctor iam ecrografii did not know what is so vain, evening so people went out not meet workshop led neighbors lam lam father and left there, crying all morning when people went, people went to the doctor to operate and said that the brain is probably something that no he did not know what could have, he went so made urine had zero problems and I decided to haunt him enustaziem I decided, so far no nustiu, and me only lived despite the winter and it never got summer: And I Forgot to mention, he was slightly crooked legs at birth but do not think it was from that, gave him calcium and Saxons started back, I beg you Do you know what happened to Sami and me say

Thanks, family leave and I clarified that here in Iasi only "stupid" because otherwise I can not say that I know nothing.

Sorry if I posted well not know English well
Re: Tedy , 4 months , died
March 21, 2010 10:10AM
I would welcome any help in unscrambling the above message!!


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