VetClick Discussion Forum

Veterinary Receptionist
July 29, 2006 03:48AM
Hi all,

I am hoping to get some advice. I am currently living in Canada and I have been a Veterinary Receptionist/Assistant for the past 2 years. I am moving back to the UK in the fall and I will be looking for work in the veterinary field. I don't know how it works in the UK but I have no veterinary qualifications as such, I have learnt by experience. My duties include liasing with clients on the phone and in person, cashing out in the evening, refilling prescriptions, animal restraint, assisting the doctor in surgery, developing radiographs and many more! Would a vet clinic in the UK be interested in employing someone like myself without the qualifications?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Kind regards,

Re: Veterinary Receptionist
August 03, 2006 10:56AM
Hi, Charlene,

You do not need a special qualification for working as a receptionis in a veterinary practice in the UK, and your experience should stand you in good stead.

There are 'Situations Vacant' and Situations wanted' sites on the Vetclick main site - email for more information.

It might be worth writing to some of the Animal Welfare charities - the BlueCross, PDSA, RSPCA, Mayhew for example asking if they have a vacancy at any of there animal hospiotals. You will find there webisites using any search engine.


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