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Very unsure about careers

Posted by sweetbileomine 
Very unsure about careers
November 11, 2008 01:12AM
I originally applied to Vet medicine and didnt get in. I'm almost 100% sure now that I'm better off not being a vet due to the workload and how demanding it is.

I'm thinking of moving to Bioveterinary science as I don't like my current science degree. The problem is that I'd hate to be stuck in a claustrophobic lab all day because that would bore me to death. On the other hand I don't want a job that is hands on with the animals but would pay peanuts. I have always wanted my own horses and I need a decent amount of money hence need a good job.
I thought about being an embryologist as I love learning about reproduction and would love to give the animals fertility treatment. Are there any oppurtunities for jobs that let you give fertility treatment and be around the animals or would that be left to the vet?
Also how much are animal embryologists paid?
Re: Very unsure about careers
November 11, 2008 09:51AM
Hi, sweetbilomine,

I am so pleased that you were not successful in getting into vet school, since you so very clearly do not have a vocation for it, which is essential if you are to have a happy and successful career in veterinary work.

If all that you are interested in is your pay cheque at the end of the month, I suggest you go for accountacly or law. They are far better paid professions than anything to do with animlas.

Re: Very unsure about careers
November 11, 2008 10:34AM
Its not that im obsessed with money, its just that I'm concerned about being financially comfortable. Ive always been interested in animals and their health and the biology etc so its not all about money.
Re: Very unsure about careers
November 11, 2008 12:17PM
I am sorry, but that is not the impression that your first message gave!
Re: Very unsure about careers
December 20, 2008 08:12PM

If you can't say anything nice.....
Re: Very unsure about careers
December 21, 2008 10:09AM

I may not be nice, but I do try to be honest!
Veterinary medicine is a vocation, not just a career, and to be a successful vet needs total dedication.

David Singleton
Re: Very unsure about careers
March 15, 2009 04:14PM
Heya Sweet...

To be honest, vet pay really is not that bad!! Admittedly, you are typically working at half the salary of a doctor, with the same amount of training, on a 60 hour week (if you're lucky!) with a high chance of injury and the highest suicide/depression rate in Britain (don't I make it sound attractive...) but I am personally quite comfortable with the rate of pay as it is my vocation. No vet is poor on their salary, though you'll never be rich. I would say 'comfortable' is the best description actually!

Anyway, there is quite a lot of room for fertility work with animals - particularly with horses and cattle. However, fertility treatment (apart from management techniques) are generally left to the vet. Maybe your best bet, as I am guessing you like horses, is to look in the stud direction? However, if I may add one thing --- in terms of working with animals the top of the pay tree is usually vets. You should expect long hours when working with animals as, to be blunt, horses don't foal between the hours of 9 and 5! If you are good however, you may be able to achieve a comfortable living - though not without a considerable initial financial input.


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