VetClick Discussion Forum


Re: becoming a vet

Posted by Chris 
Re: becoming a vet
October 13, 2009 07:52PM
Hi there,

Very late I know but I stumbled across this by chance. I am a vet (graduated in 1999). I would seriously advise against joining the profession for several reasons.
1) Very long hours
2) On call duty is no fun!
3) Poor pay- dentists and GPs get paid more than twice what a vet does (and even more in some cases)
3) Too many new graduates- they have quite literally doubled the number of veterinary places at the vet schools. As well as allowing any vet with an EU degree to sign up with the RCVS. Big mistake. In a few years time, the surplus of vets will result in underemployment and lower wages.

The job itself can be enjoyable although not as stimulating as one might think. Bottom line is you need to seriously think about getting yourself in a bucket load of debt to come out the other end (4-6 years depending on Graduate placements- Cambridge) and face the above.

Best of luck...

Re: becoming a vet
October 14, 2009 12:51PM
Dear Chris,

Your letter really saddened me - the two most important words, vocation and motivation, just did not appear.
Why did you decide to become a veterinary surgeon? Because of the challenge of getting into vet school and you were clever enough to manage it?
'On-call duty is no fun' - by definition, almost, many duties are 'no fun' - they are not meant to be, but unitl we can stop animals needing help at 'unsocial times' it has to be provided.
There are very few jobs which involve working with animals which are highly remunerative, be thankful that you are not a dairy farmer working longer hours for a fraction of the rewards you are getting.
A veterinary qualification can open doors to many jobs - to quote Normal Tebbit, get on your bike and go and find one that you would be happier doing.


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