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A Bit of a Peculiar Background...

Posted by Jamie Carr 
A Bit of a Peculiar Background...
May 14, 2009 04:01PM

My name is Jamie, and I recently moved to the UK from Canada.
(I have all my papers to be here!) I'm 20.

I actually come from the Great White North with no formal qualifications whatsoever.
My learning was severely hampered during my teenage years by a sudden need to leave home and go to work. As a result, I never graduated. September of last year was when I moved to Manchester.

I have pet shop experience of approximately a year. During that time I looked after both healthy and ill animals, so as I am to understand that may count as preliminary experience.

I am attempting to gain my GCSEs and A-Levels by correspondence courses, as I still need to work for now. Money is an extreme issue for me, so I am wondering if it's possible to get just four GCSEs as opposed to getting five. At £295 a course, I'm trying to minimalise the financial damage I incur before I get a student loan. I work as a contract illustrator so money isn't always regular.

My choices are:
Chemistry, Biology, English, Maths
(Aiming for As, but Maths is not my strong point.)

Chemistry, Biology, English
(Aiming for AA*A*)

I do not have access to a car, and thus have no access to farms to gain livestock experience. I have no experience with cows and horses. When I was a child my uncle had a farm with sheep, but I doubt that counts.

Do you think applying through the Special Access plan at Cambridge would be best? I am a mature student and my learning was disrupted.
If I get those grades as described above, would an Open Application be best?
I'm sorry for all the words, and thanks in advance for your time!
Re: A Bit of a Peculiar Background...
May 14, 2009 04:07PM

Maybe someone can advise Jamie.

Re: A Bit of a Peculiar Background...
June 08, 2009 04:26PM
Hi I'm in a similar situation to you GCSE wise as I've only taken four from what I've read mostly online and Uni prospectus' GCSE are of no great significance to the majority of universities, as long as you have a suitable reason, however, it is probably sensible to take Physics at GCSE if you are not doing it at A level. Could you do a two combined science GCSEs (OCR Core and Additional perhaps) instead of the Chemistry and Biology.
If you acheive the grades you expect to I believe you should stand a very good chance but I think you will need more work experience. Could you find any within cycling distance? If you live near the centre of Manchester are there any cityfarms, animal rescue centre? Also most Uni are very keen on Lambing and Cattle experience so this might be an issue... It's well worth contacting the Univesity to discuss it, because you method fr learning shows considerable more dedication they may be more leniant. A site I've found useful [] most people are pretty friendly and helpful.

Best wishes

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